
We all deserve a second chance

A quest for redemption is unfolding in Washington, D.C. Thanks to forward-looking “Second Chance” legislation, three men who were sentenced in their youth to life in prison have the chance to plead for release.


Reclaiming Futures

The film captures their journeys as they unfold: Anthony “Pete” Petty, who has just won his freedom and must rebuild his life after three decades in prison; Gene Downing, who awaits his second chance hearing after two decades behind bars and hopes to reunite with a daughter born after his incarceration; and Colie Levar Long, who is mentoring youth incarcerated with him at D.C. Jail.

He longs to finish college as a free man after a 26-year interruption. D.C. is leading the way with second chance reform, a transformational criminal justice
movement spreading across the country. But, as the film shows, a second chance is never guaranteed.

This film is guaranteed to lift spirtis and change minds."

Meet the Voices of Change

Our Cast

Our Cast


Colie Levar Long

Gene Downing

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